Tie in to local communities

Typical ‘consumers’ of a sport event are visitors and the national and local community (Hover). Although the focus is mostly on the host population, rather than the local community (Minnaert) and  in many cases no real consultation of the local community is held (Cashman). Meanwhile it is important, according to Misener and Mason, to emphasize the importance of embracing the core values ​​of residents, neighborhood groups and neighborhood associations as a condition for creating positive effects of events, which are usually ignored when preparing a bid and when organizing a sporting event. But “in order to ensure that community values are respected, the local community needs the opportunity to continue to be involved in the overall event hosting process (Misener and Mason). Sports provide the biggest platform for positive change. For instance, 51% of sports teams wants to support local communities (Canvas8).

Case studies

Live match cases
  • Higgs
  • VOGO
  • Syncy
  • Super Live center
  • Hawk-Eye
Fan TV/ Chat cases
Venue cases
  • AVEX
  • Foot Analytics
  • WizzyMaps
  • Bitz
  • Ixpole
  • Oveit FacePay
Capture cases



Canvas8 and Performance Communications. The future of sports Fans. 2016 https://www.fotball.no/globalassets/dommer/the-future-sports-fan_spilleregler_english.pdf


Cashman, R. (2002) Impact of the Games on Olympic Host Cities: University Lecture on the Olympics. Centre d’Estudis Olímpics (CEO-UAB). International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB), Barcelona. (p.6) https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/worpap/2010/181085/cashman_eng.pdf


Hover, P., Dijk, B., Breedveld, K., Eekeren, F. van, & Slender, H. (2016). Creating social impact with sport events. Utrecht: Mulier Institute. https://www.kennisbanksportenbewegen.nl/?file=7147&m=1469436781&action=file.download


Minnaert, L. (2012) An Olympic legacy for all? The non-infrastructural outcomes of the Olympic Games for socially excluded groups (Atlanta 1996–Beijing 2008). Tourism Management, 33(2), 361-370. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261517711000999?via%3Dihub#bib7


Misener, L. and Mason, D.S. (2006) Creating community networks: can sporting events offer meaningful sources of social capital? Managing Leisure 11, 39–56. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13606710500445676

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